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Emergency Services

The Pickaway Township Fire Department responds to each and every call received as quickly as possible. This is because when dealing with emergency situations, every second counts. Our training and equipment are all designed with this primary goal in mind. Our team prides itself on being quick-thinking, safety-minded, and fast-acting.


Professional Personnel

Our fire and rescue personnel are well trained to approach, analyze and understand each emergency situation with close attention to detail so that they can quickly assess and act upon every crisis they encounter. You should feel confident knowing that should this emergency occur, we’ll be there immediately for you.

Vehicle Accidents

You’re In Safe Hands

We promise to suppress and eliminate any safety threats in order to prevent death, accidents, and the destruction of property. We’re always prepared to provide this service in order to keep the residents of Pickaway and Circleville Townships safe.


There When You Need Us

This is one of our main emergency services to the residents of Pickaway and Circleville Townships. We provide emergency medical care for traumas and other medical emergencies. Our ambulances may provide either basic life support or advanced life support, while our staff members posses any number of certifications including Emergency Medical Technician, Advanced EMT, and Paramedic.

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